On-Demand Education

Care Providers of Minnesota’s recorded webinars are available—for purchase or for free—through our On-Demand Education library, shortly after each program is presented live. Whether you missed it when it was originally scheduled, you have hired new staff, or would like additional staff to learn more about a topic, you can order and view webinars when it is convenient for you and your staff.


Browse On-Demand Education Library

Webinar without CEs icon

Browse Webinars
(no CEs)

Once you have purchased an On-Demand Education webinar WITHOUT CEs, it will be available to access on this page. You must be logged in to view the purchased webinar(s) below. The webinar may be viewed by as many staff and as often as desired while it's available to you.

Looking for workshops with CEs?

Webinar with CEs icon

Browse Workshops 
with CEs

The NEW Care Providers of Minnesota On-Demand Workshop Catalog gives users the ability to earn on-demand CEs from previously recorded workshops. Both members & non-members may earn CEs through our new catalog. Please note: Registration through the workshop catalog is separate from the Care Providers of Minnesota website. 

Webinar vs. online workshop—What's the difference?

Webinars are free, members-only events on FYI topics; no CEs are offered. Online workshops are substantive learning opportunities that share insight, strategies, and guidance; CEs are offered for live presentation & select recordings.

Your Purchased Webinars Without CEs

WebinarDays Remaining
There are no records.
Webinars should appear above immediately after purchase. If your purchased webinar does not appear above within these time limits, please email purchase@careproviders.org.

More Learning Opportunities

Electronic CEUs
We make it easy for education attendees to track CEUs earned through Care Providers of Minnesota programs since 2016. Check your CEUs on our website. Log in with your username and password and go to your profile by clicking on your name in the upper right corner. The “My CEUs” tab will be updated with your CEUs within two weeks after each program or webinar you attend. From here, you can print certificates of attendance for individual programs or a report with your totals. 


Contact us for questions about our learning opportunities. We're here to help! Our toll-free number is 1-800-462-0024.

Shauna Kapsner
Shauna Kapsner
Director of Education & Events

Aby Tesfaye
Education Support Specialist