2023–2024 Emerging Leaders Group Meeting Schedule
- November 13, 2023: Convention & Expo reception—meet at 5:30 PM at the tables at the back of the expo hall
- January 23, 2024: Board/leadership retreat—ELG members are invited to join/will be sent an invitation
- Quarter 1 meeting TBD*
March 20: Day at the Capitol
May 14-15: Assisted Living Summit networking
June: Attend Care Providers of Minnesota Region meetings
Quarter 3 meeting TBD*
September 25: Board/Leadership Retreat
November 11-13: Convention & Expo reception
November 12: Emerging Leaders Group event at Convention, 4:30 PM, Chaska I
*Topics for consideration include operational struggles, staffing solutions, board management & communication, working with a leadership team & time management.

Interested in joining?
Email Nancy McCoy