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Explore our library of webinars available for purchase by both members and prospective members. For your convenience, this page also includes our free webinars for members only!

Archived webinar purchases will give the purchaser 30-day access to the archived webinar, without CEs.

New TitleNew Description

2024 October Region Forum—Assisted Living Regulatory Issues
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

2024 October Region Forum—SNF/NF Regulatory Issues
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

2025 January Region-Palooza: Hot topic potpourri
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

2025 January Region-Palooza: Legislative session preview
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

2025 January Region-Palooza: NHWSB & CMS regulations for NFs
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

A Love Story—Healing Through Movement, Breath & Music
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Addressing concerns & complaints: When, how & why
Product Code: ALS2205

Family and client complaints are difficult; however, it is necessary to address complaints appropriately, ensure quality, fix problems, and protect you from possible legal repercussions. Attorney presenters will explain the law and regulations on client rights and protections including retaliation, as well as offer a practical approach to problemsolving with fami...Details

AL Survey Process & Preparedness
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

AL workshop: New dementia care license & requirements
Product Code: 2130W

August 1, 2021, brings many changes to assisted living settings with a new assisted living license mandate. Housing with services and arranged home care providers in assisted living communities have many decisions to make between now and August 1, 2021. One of the important decisions is what type of license to hold—assisted living license or assisted living with ...Details

AL workshop: New infection control requirements
Product Code: 2131W

August 1, 2021 brings significant changes to assisted living settings when a new assisted living license mandate goes into effect. Housing with services and arranged home care providers have many tasks to complete between now and August 1, 2021. Tasks include infection control program development and implementation, staff training, and associated policies and pro...Details

AL workshop: Resident & family councils
Product Code: 2132W

August 1, 2021, brings many changes to assisted living with a new assisted living license mandate. Housing with services and arranged home care providers in assisted living communities have many actions to take between now and August 1, 2021, to get ready for compliance. Two of the action steps concern residents and family councils. The Bill of Rights gives resid...Details

Assessment & management of pain
Product Code: 2335W

Pain. And all the pieces that go with it: types, scales, episodes vs. chronic, dosing, opiate side effects and most importantly, management of common pain situations. What are the consequences of untreated pain for our residents? What are the myths we must combat? Barriers we must destroy? Nurse or not, this is a session you won’t want to miss. Why? Because the e...Details

Assisted living contract terminations—Process & tips
Product Code: 2431W

This session will review the legal requirements an assisted living facility must follow to pursue an involuntary contract termination with a resident. They will provide case scenarios for more difficult situations including roadblocks when a resident resists pursuing alternative safe locations; and violent and illegal resident behavior and considerations for keep...Details

Assisted living facilities & emergency planning
Product Code: ALMD2205

Join Jill Schewe—Care Providers of Minnesota's Director of Assisted Living, Housing & Home Care—to learn about the various emergency and disaster planning requirements and how to apply them to your assisted living facility. Identify common risks and hazards that occur in assisted living facilities and how to be prepared for them to minimize injury and loss...Details

Assisted living food code highlights
Product Code: ALMD2203

Gain a better understanding of the Minnesota Food Code, with an emphasis on how it is applied in assisted living facilities. Presenters will highlight and explain some of the major components of the food code and provide resources to help providers meet food code requirements. A review of equipment requirements and foodborne illness outbreak detection and resp...Details

Assisted living licensure required postings
Product Code: 2309W

2021 statutes and rules state in multiple places where specific public postings are required. This short module outlines the postings, where they’re to be found both in statute/rule and in your building, as well as reviewing the requirements to the content of each. Survey correction orders are issued on these items. This session will help you avoid those.

Assisted living with dementia care
Product Code: ALS2203

Assisted living licensure was one of the big changes implemented on August 1, 2021. Assisted living providers had to decide what type of license to hold—assisted living license or assisted living with dementia care license. This session will go through the requirements of assisted living with dementia care license. Learn which settings must have a dementia care l...Details

Bed rails—What's the big deal?
Product Code: 2305W

Bed rails, grab bars, and more are reviewed regarding assistive devices. Settings in LTC are not consistent in the way these devices are treated. This session will discuss all the key elements the LALD and RN need to consider, such as: risks, benefits, assessment, and paperwork requirements for successful placement and use of these devices in a licensed Minnesota...Details

Bronze Quality Award Workshop
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Building resilience within—Part I
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Building resilience within—Part II
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Building the Strength From Within—Understanding the Trauma
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Caring for caregivers
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Clinical decision making in assisted living facilities
Product Code: ALNM2201

Being a nurse in assisted living facilities is very different from a skilled nursing facility, hospital, or clinic setting—one may be the only nurse and supervising numerous unlicensed staff. This session will explore the diagnosis and management of common medical problems found in assisted living facilities, including urinary tract infections and fever/infect...Details

Clinical Workshop Series: Behavioral Health
Product Code: 1923W

With the new regulations for behavioral health effective November 2019, the workshop will address the requirements and implementation strategies for a compliant behavioral health program in a SNF/NF. This is the third workshop in the Clinical/Nursing Best Practices Online Workshop Series. Each workshop is around 60 minutes—45 minutes for formal presentation on a ...Details

Clinical Workshop Series: Compliance & ethics program
Product Code: 1925W

A compliance and ethics program is required by the Requirements of Participation. Learn about the key elements of a compliance and ethics program to comply with the Phase 3 regulations. This is the fifth workshop in the Clinical/Nursing Best Practices Online Workshop Series. Each workshop is around 60 minutes—45 minutes for formal presentation on a topic with the rem...Details

Clinical Workshop Series: Data=Quality
Product Code: 1924W

The current healthcare environment recognizes publicly reported data as a representation of the quality of care provided in a facility. Learn how to use your facility’s data to improve quality and sustain high-level performance. This is the fourth workshop in the Clinical/Nursing Best Practices Online Workshop Series. Each workshop is around 60 minutes—45 minutes for...Details

Clinical workshop series: Incident investigations
Product Code: 2031W

The clinical leader is often the person responsible for investigation of residents; incidents and required self-reporting of potential vulnerable adult issues. Our final webinar will explore best practices in conducting investigations, documenting information and follow-through. We will discuss how to take a look at both the micro- and macro- environments of an incid...Details

Clinical workshop series: Nurses as leaders
Product Code: 2030W

Nurses are often promoted due to their clinical and organizing skills into leadership positions with little preparation for the role. You accept leadership positions to offer your gifts and talents to the organization, its staff, and those they care for. One of the foundations for success is building an effective team. In this workshop, we will explore what the trans...Details

Clinical Workshop Series: Staff Competencies
Product Code: 1921W

This workshop will focus on the requirements for nursing competencies as described in the Requirements of Participation and how to develop a library of competency tools. Participants will receive a tool to guide them in converting policies and procedures to competency documentation worksheets. This is the first workshop in the Clinical/Nursing Best Practices Online W...Details

Clinical Workshop Series: Survey Response
Product Code: 1922W

Participants will receive helpful knowledge and resources for the completion of an acceptable plan of correction. Accurate, complete, and comprehensive plans of correction will help an organization meet the federal and state requirements for SNFs/NFs. This is the second workshop in the Clinical/Nursing Best Practices Online Workshop Series. Each workshop is around 60...Details

Clinical Workshop Series: What does root cause analysis mean
Product Code: 1926W

Root cause analysis is often avoided or incompletely performed, which can lay the groundwork for ineffective problem-solving. Learn about the process for thorough root cause analysis and how to prioritize and select the causes, contributing factors, and actions that allow undesirable processes that lead to unwanted outcomes. This is the sixth workshop in the Clinical...Details

Considerations for recreational vs. medical cannabis in LTC
Product Code: 2354W

August 1 marks the legalization of recreational cannabis in Minnesota, and with that comes a lot of questions in LTC. This session will be co-led by Rob Rodè, Esq., a healthcare attorney with expertise in providers of elder care, and Dr. Emily Escue, a geriatrician who advises older adults on symptom management. This webinar covers medical and recreational use of...Details

Council 101—Support, strengthen & empower resident & family
Product Code: 2430W

The Minnesota Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care has partnered with Moving Home Minnesota (a Money Follows the Person project) to develop a training curriculum for people who receive long-term services and support in both the skilled nursing and licensed assisted living settings. These self-advocacy trainings focus on resident and family council development a...Details

Dealing with difficult interactions
Product Code: 2447W

Conversations can be extremely challenging in the LTC arena. The topics we handle as well as all the different people can be very overwhelming. Ponder all interactions during your day: residents, families, providers, colleagues, and staff. Some days it is a whirlwind and at times you may not know what you are walking into. You may not know what happened historicall...Details

Elder Sexual Violence: Awareness Intervention & Prevention
Product Code: 903W

Allegations of abuse in nursing homes have captured media attention in recent months. Sexual assault is an issue that is hard to talk about, and even harder to imagine happening to those we care for. Yet, unfortunately, it happens at increasingly alarming rates, especially to those who are vulnerable due to age or disability, including dementia. 83% of women with a ...Details

Electronic Monitoring in NFs & ALs
Product Code: 1938W

January 1, 2020, brings new Minnesota statutes regarding resident/client authority to place electronic monitoring devices in their nursing facility sleeping rooms and assisted living apartments. This new law applies to all current nursing facilities, boarding care homes, and housing with services settings who operate as an assisted living or have a special care unit....Details

Emergency Preparedness
Product Code: 2138CW

Minnesota’s new assisted living licensure (ALL) requires compliance with new emergency preparedness requirements for your newly-licensed assisted living or assisted living with dementia care. While the ALL 144G statutes include a basic set of emergency preparedness requirements, the anticipated ALL rules include a substantial number of new emergency preparedness...Details

End-of-life Care: Preparing Families, Residents & Colleagues
Product Code: 2037W

COVID-19 has drastically altered end-of-life (EOL) care in long-term care (LTC) settings. Family participation and communication with staff and residents has been significantly decreased, there’s unpredictability about the severity of its effects on residents, and symptom onset is often rapid with high morbidity rates. All this underscores the importance of proactive...Details

Ensuring compliance with medication chain of custody
Product Code: 2437W

In pharmacy medication fulfillment, understanding and maintaining the chain of custody plays a crucial role in ensuring patient safety, maintaining the integrity of pharmaceutical products and avoiding diversion. This session will share the processes critical to maintaining compliance and adherence to medication management from receipt of medications all the way ...Details

Environmental services: A vital role in infection prevention
Product Code: 2035W

With the onset of COVID-19, it has become abundantly clear how we must take the facility environment very seriously. All skilled nursing facility/nursing facility (SNF/NF) staff have obligations for the facility environment; however, one department is charged with that responsibility more than others: environmental services. Care Providers of Minnesota is presenting ...Details

ERISA—Are you in compliance?
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Fundamentals of landlord/tenant law
Product Code: ALMD2201

Learning more about the complex landlord/tenant relationship is the focus of this session. General provisions under Minnesota Landlord/Tenant law will be discussed, including when a lease is required, and landlord and tenant covenants. Don’t get caught making common landlord mistakes.

This webinar is part of the 2022 Assisted Li...Details

Get to know NAMI
Product Code: 2336F

Mental Health is the topic Care Providers of Minnesota, and society, hears so much about. We invite you to get to know NAMI Minnesota better with this free webinar sponsored by the Care Providers of Minnesota Service Corporation. We will meet Kay King along with a few NAMI volunteers to hear firsthand how NAMI work directly affects the lives of people living with...Details

HIPAA: Understanding risks & best practices in care industry
Product Code: 2350F

HIPAA—Technology, Cell Phone Use, and HIPAA Regulations: Understanding the Risks and Best Practices in the Care Industry

Technology is changing quicker than the HIPAA laws, and you're concerned your staff is putting you at risk. You’ve gone through HIPAA training, but you’re not sure what to tell your staff about cell phone and email use. And did y...Details

Holistic Mental Health Interventions: Behavioral Concerns
Product code: 0528

Care Providers of Minnesota is offering a second webinar by Touchstone Mental Health. This webinar is developed specifically to provide a sampling of effective holistic interventions that frontline care providers can utilize in working with older adults and seniors living with mental health concerns. Interventions presented are both evidence-based and integrative,...Details

Hospice and Care Community Partnership
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

How the Body Keeps Score
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Human resource management
Product Code: ALMD2202

This session will address the important role of human resources in assisted living. Topics covered will include legal compliance, wage and benefits programs, and performance management. Find out if your HR systems are adequate and in place, or if not, how to remedy. This session is presented by Jennifer Edwards, PHR, SHRM-CP, Director of Human Resources, The W...Details

Identification & prevention of drug diversion in facilities
Product Code: 2342W

Drug Diversion (aka theft) is everywhere. If you say, ´Not here!’ Typically, that means you are not looking hard enough to catch it. Join us for this webinar to see what perspectives a LTC pharmacy (Guardian Pharmacy) has, storage dos/don'ts, challenges seen, warning signs and proactive steps to take to try to stay ahead of thieves. Since the pandemic has impacte...Details

Implementing a falls prevention program utilizing QAPI
Product Code: 2445W

Join us to review QAPI foundational pieces to ensure we have a great understanding of the system up to and including a solid RCA to ensure the most appropriate interventions are at hand for our residents and staff. This session will use the QAPI approach to help set up and implement a Falls prevention program. We will discuss and address the extrinsic and intrins...Details

Infection Control—Building your Program
Product Code: 2429W

This session will explain the basics of infection prevention as it relates to how we provide care to our residents, as well as why it is important. It will provide details on how to set up the infection prevention program, as well as how to sustain it to improve safety for residents as well as staff and visitors.

This recording was part...Details

Intro to mental health & removing the stigma
Product Code: 2351W

We face mental health challenges daily. From residents, staff and families. This webinar is designed to equip you with knowledge and skills to support the mental well-being of older adults. We'll understand the unique challenges to older adults struggling with mental health issues and learn strategies to promote mental well-being and treatment while addressing st...Details

Introduction to LTC Trend Tracker
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Legal issues for assisted living & nurse managers
Product Code: ALS2204

There are many laws besides the new assisted living laws that providers must follow. Hear two attorneys address electronic monitoring, fair housing law, consumer protection laws, guns on assisted living premises, and POLST in this session. Presenters will discuss scooters and what a provider can do concerning scooter use. Clients with service, emotional support,...Details

LTC Risk Mitigation Series—Abuse & neglect
Product Code: 2502W

A resident falls. An employee walks off the job. MDH shows up on a complaint investigation. Meds are missing. What do you do? Risks related to abuse and neglect issues come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They also extend beyond the initial VA incident. This session will identify the different types of risk encountered by providers when responding to potential...Details

LTC Risk Mitigation Series—AL building regulations
Product Code: 2510W

MDH Engineering will talk about what engineering is seeing on the second round of surveys. Engineering will talk about the items they are seeing in surveys and give tips first for compliance and second for excellence. Engineering will go into depth about the requirements of smoke alarms and fire extinguishers and how to exceed these expectations.  

LTC Risk Mitigation Series—Bed rails
Product Code: 2503W

Bed rails can create gaps where individuals may become trapped, leading to serious injury or suffocation. A process that requires ongoing patient evaluation and monitoring will result in optimizing bed safety. Many patients go through a period of adjustment to become comfortable with new options. Residents and their families should talk to their healthcare planni...Details

LTC Risk Mitigation Series—Conducting investigations
Product Code: 2450W

Have you read CMS memorandum QSO-25-07-NHRevised Long-Term Care (LTC) Surveyor Guidance; all 900+ pages? Surveyors will begin using compliance requirements beginning February 24, 2025. Get a jump start with training beginning with CPM's Risk Mitigation Webinars beginning Monday, December 16. New guidance focuses on Admissions/Transfer/Discharge/Chemical restrai...Details

LTC Risk Mitigation Series—Cybersecurity
Product Code: 2504W

No matter your site size, as the healthcare sector becomes more digitized, LTC organizations are increasingly targeted by cyber threats. Cybersecurity breaches not only disrupt operations but can also compromise sensitive patient data, leading to significant financial and reputational damage. This webinar provides an essential guide to understanding the landscape o...Details

LTC Risk Mitigation Series—Discharge planning
Product Code: 2505W

Nursing Home and Assisted Living discharge/termination planning is complex and wrought with risk for the provider. In this session Jane Danner, Directory of Regulatory Services, MA, LALD, LSW and Attorney Robert Rodè will discuss the legal and regulatory landscape of discharges/terminations and share practical tips for successful planning and execution whi...Details

LTC Risk Mitigation Series—Elopement
Product Code: 2507W

Elopement is a serious situation that has affected many post-acute residents and centers throughout the US. Elopements are preventable. This session provides an overview of proven assessment and prevention techniques that will help providers develop policies and procedures to address elopement risk, including addressing wandering and exit-seeking behavior.  We...Details

LTC Risk Mitigation Series—Mechanical lifts
Product Code: 2509W

Transferring residents safely and avoiding injury and liability. The prevalence of resident injuries is much too great, as are the injuries to staff. Please join us to discuss safe resident handling, common causes and best practices. Then we will delve into how you can be comprehensive and more effective (not just compliant). This is the way to becoming your best f...Details

LTC Risk Mitigation Series—Unnecessary medications
Product Code: 2451W

Focused on proactive risk mitigation in LTC, this series will help you learn practical strategies to identify and reduce risks, covering key areas like resident safety, regulatory compliance, and financial risks. Each session in the series will provide tools and insights to help LTC professionals manage challenges effectively and improve care quality. Unnecessary...Details

Managing legionella—Risk management strategies
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Marijuana in the Minnesota care industry
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Medication management in assisted living facilities
Product Code: ALNM2202

Medications are an essential part of care for many seniors, including those residing in assisted living communities. When used appropriately, medications effectively manage acute and chronic disease; however, medications also pose potential risks. Toxicity, adverse drug events (ADEs), drug interactions, pose a constant threat. The key to effective medication m...Details

Minimizing pressure injuries & litigation risks
Product Code: 2346W

An in-house acquired or declining pressure ulcer puts providers at risk for regulatory citations and litigation. The burden on the provider is to demonstrate that the development or decline of a pressure ulcer was unavoidable. The skin inspection, risk assessment and interventions that are implemented within the first 24 hours of admission are critical. The accur...Details

Minnesota AL payment systems
Product Code: 2432W

EW, EW-CL, CADI, MA, Housing Supports (aka GRH), Medicare, managed care, private pay, long-term care insurance—do you know what these letters mean and how they affect your assisted living business? This session will review available programs and payment sources and what is not covered. In addition, you’ll gain a greater understanding of customized living and what...Details

Minnesota Food Code
Product Code: 2306W

The Minnesota food code is extensive. Minnesota Rules Chapter 4626 is 184 pages of yummy goodness! The “what you need to know” when you first walk in the door is included here. Presently, all licensed assisted living settings need to meet these regulations—regardless of size. Also reviewed here are real assisted living survey examples and how to avoid those chall...Details

Navigating the latest CMS guidance—Key updates to Appx PP
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Nondiscrimination in health programs & activities
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Nurse documentation—Best practices in charting
Product Code: ALNM2206

In today’s regulatory world, clinical care must be well documented for nurses to demonstrate that the care and services occurred, and what they were thinking when they provided that care. The quality of nurse charting (or the lack thereof) can have significant consequences. This session will describe how important critical thinking and creative interventions are...Details

Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board issues min wage...
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board—Mandated holiday pay
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board—Member update
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board—Next steps
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board—Update
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

OSHA Respiratory Protection Program
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Palliative care vs. hospice care and hospice eligibility
Product Code: 2436W

As resident acuity increases, LTC settings are increasingly working with hospice and palliative care organizations. But what is the difference between hospice and palliative care? How can we work in partnership to better enhance resident quality of life? Join us for an informative webinar on hospice and palliative care, designed to enhance your understanding of t...Details

Personalized dementia care—Bridging the gap...
Product Code: ALNM2203

It is long-term care providers’ responsibility to help residents support a quality of life that aligns with who they are and supports all the things that are important to them. Maintaining a quality of life is crucial to everyone, including those with dementia. People who are suffering from dementia lose the opportunity to control their own quality of life. It i...Details

Provider-Driven Network Opportunities
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Quality Award Program, an Introduction
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Ready…Set…Action: Tell your story to CMS on staffing mandate
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Selling & marketing assisted living: Art & science
Product Code: ALMD2207

In an increasingly competitive landscape, it is crucial that staff have the tools and skills necessary to meet the demanding needs of today’s informed customers. Effective sales and marketing strategies coupled with analyzing return on investment are a must in one’s toolbox. The art & science of selling assisted living is built around four key components: ca...Details

SNF/NF facility assessment update
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

Staff training requirements & documentation in AL
Product Code: 2428W

Hang on—we will enhance your knowledge and skills in compliance for training within the assisted living environment. Discover the essential training elements required and explore key components for conducting training sessions and skills demonstrations. Gain insights into identifying the necessary documents essential for maintaining a comprehensive personnel file...Details

Supporting ourselves in the moment—Self care for LTC
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.

The role of the AL nurse in medication management
Product Code: ALNM2204

Part one—The role of the assisted living nurse in medication management: The role of the assisted living nurse in medication management extends far beyond medication administration under the assisted living license statutes (144G) and rules (MN4659). This session will provide nurses insight into their role and processes needed to ...Details

Trauma-informed care—An introduction
Product Code: 2440W

Long-term care providers must deliver care and services using approaches which are culturally competent and develop an individualized and person-centered care plan. Join us to learn how we must account for resident experiences and preferences to eliminate or decrease triggers that may cause re-traumatization to the resident.

Trauma informed care is...Details

Understanding the Basics:Mental Health Concerns-Older Adults
Product Code: 529

This webinar is developed specifically to address a broad overview of the most common mental health diagnoses and related symptoms experienced by older adults and seniors. Each subset of mental health diagnoses includes a description of how symptoms can impact daily life. In addition, the most common treatments or interventions to address these concerns will be bri...Details

Workforce Series—Caring Careers Start Here
This webinar is free for members. If you are a member click here to view this webinar.