
Care Providers of Minnesota provides publications and resources to help our members stay current on important senior health care issues, news, trends, and communication topics.

ACTION—Our Weekly Newsletter
Delivered to members' emails each Thursday, ACTION thoroughly covers state and national news; legislative topics; payment, housing, quality, legislative, and regulatory issues; recognition; learning opportunities; events; member resources; and much more. To sign up for ACTION or if you are experiencing delivery problems, contact Lisa Foss Olson (952-851-2483).

Learn more about ACTION

National Publications

As a member of Care Providers of Minnesota, you can also access our national association's (AHCA/NCAL) publications.

Learn more about national publications

ACTION Newsletter

Social Media—Connect with us!

Follow us on LinkedInFacebookTwitterYouTube

Follow us on LinkedInFacebook, Twitter and YouTube for updates on long-term care issues and trends. 

Share your long-term care stories!
As part of our public relations and advocacy efforts, we are always looking to amplify the voices of the direct caregivers and staff working in our settings and the residents we serve. Providing real world context for the impact of public policy is much more valuable when it comes directly from those doing the work or receiving the care. And we know that storytelling is a much more interesting and effective means of influence. So, to that end, we’re putting the request out there early to all of you—if you know of a caregiver with an exceptional career story, or someone who is passionate about their brand of caregiving, or a staff member with a unique perspective on our profession, we want to know! This could be a staff person that’s new to the profession, but highly engaged and motivated to advocate for the profession; or it could be a more senior staff with a ladder climbing, career progression story. Likewise, if you have an outspoken resident living in your setting, someone who enjoys engaging and talking with others about their life and the lives of others in their community we want to know!  We’re hoping to leverage your connections to cultivate a team of long-term care influencers who can be the trusted messengers for our profession. Please reach out to Nicole Mattson at the Association office with your stories and for further information. 

Member Communication Resources


Contact us for questions about or help with communication issues. We're here to help! Our toll-free number is 1-800-462-0024.

Lisa Foss Olson
Lisa Foss Olson
Director of Public Relations & Communications