MN food code tip—Vomit & diarrhea clean up

By Michaun Shetler  |  January 17, 2025  |  Assisted living providers

Norovirus is the leading cause of foodborne illness in the United States. Currently, there are several outbreaks in long-term care settings. Now is a good time to review your current procedures on how to clean up vomit & diarrhea. 
Vomit & diarrhea cleanup
Stuff happens. Assisted living facilities need to have a cleanup plan for when it happens in their facilities. The disease-causing bacteria and viruses often found in high levels in vomit and diarrhea can survive for a long time if employees do not follow proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures.

Customize your plan
There is not only one approved vomit and diarrheal event clean-up plan to meet this rule requirement. Customize your plan to fit your unique staff, facilities, and equipment.

Your plan might include the following:
  • How will you train employees responsible for cleanup?
  • How will you protect residents, guests and employees before and during cleanup?
  • What tools and chemicals will employees use?
  • How will you dispose of soiled materials?
  • How will you keep a record of the event and cleanup response?

Keep in mind that a sanitizing solution, such as chlorine, may need to be used at a higher concentration for cleaning up after a vomiting or diarrheal event. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and sanitizing products. 


Michaun Shetler
Michaun Shetler  |  Vice President of Regulatory Affairs  |  |  952-851-2484