DHS Live Well at Home® state fiscal year 2026 request for proposals is now open

By Michaun Shetler  |  January 17, 2025  |  All members

The Minnesota Department of Human Services, through its Aging & Disability Services Division, is seeking Live Well at Home® state fiscal year 2026 request for proposals from qualified responders. The RFP opened on January 13, 2025. Grant projects are intended to do the following:
  • Develop and/or provide services for older Minnesotans to live and age in the community of their choice
  • Improve their community’s capacity to develop, strengthen, integrate, and maintain culturally competent home- and community-based services (HCBS) for individuals aged 65 and older who are at-risk of long-term nursing facility use and/or spending down into Medical Assistance
  • Strengthening services for supporting solo agers, family, friends, and neighbors’ caregiving       

The term of any resulting contract is anticipated to be for six to twenty-four months (6 to 24 months), from July 1, 2025, until June 30, 2027. 

The goal of the Live Well at Home® program is “to help older adults live well at home by focusing strategic investments to prepare Minnesotans for 2030.” The grants in this RFP are intended to stimulate innovation by providing one-time, start-up funds to test new approaches in housing and home and community-based services development, and to develop and support core home and community-based service providers. 

For more information, visit the “Apply for a Live Well at Home Grant” page on the DHS website. 

Michaun Shetler
Michaun Shetler  |  Vice President of Regulatory Affairs  |   mshetler@careproviders.org  |  952-851-2484