Free COOP assistance for rural communities
By Jane Danner | January 17, 2025 | SNF/NF & AL providers
Are you a SNF, AL, or a senior living campus outside the metro area? Would you like to receive in-person technical assistance with your Rural COOP toolkit? Note:
Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) is focused on healthcare facility recovery planning, developing, updating, and maintaining continuity of operations and/or business continuity.
Would you like to have one-day, in-person technical assistance with emergency preparedness and your facilities continuity of operations plan, AND
free of charge? This amazing opportunity is being provided through an MDH healthcare preparedness program contracted provider
All Clear Emergency Management.
There is still time to obtain these services. It is a first-come, first-serve basis with limited space, so act now.
Do not miss this opportunity. Contact
Lauren Smith and
Kathy Thompson to initiate planning a technical visit and to obtain more information on the in-person workshops and training opportunities.
Additionally, there will be two in-person workshops to provide the basics of continuity operations planning—and base knowledge will be essential to getting the most out of the technical visits. If attending an in-person workshop is not possible, one can review the
six webinars on the MDH YouTube page. The two additional workshops will be held around the St. Cloud and Mankato in February/March 2025 (more details to come).
Please contact Jane Danner at the Association office for questions.
Jane Danner | Director of Regulatory Services | | 952-851-2489