MDH infectious disease long-term care call updates
By Jane Danner | January 17, 2025 | All providers
Every other month, the Minnesota Department of Health gives an update on infectious diseases and other important issues surrounding infection control and prevention for long-term care providers. The last call was held on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, and included the following topics:
- QSO 25-11: pneumococcal vaccine
- Influenza update
- COVID-19 surveillance and respiratory activity update
- GI surveillance: norovirus update
- Project Firstline 2025 update
- Vaccination: NHSN coverage update
Click here to access the PowerPoint slides from the call.
If you would like to attend these calls, click on the link to subscribe:
MDH LTC Monthly Call Subscription.
If you have questions or topics that you would like covered during the next call, please email: with
“Question for LTC Call” in the subject line of the email.
Jane Danner | Director of Regulatory Services | | 952-851-2489