IDR outcomes in 2022

By Doug Beardsley  |  February 3, 2023  |  SNF/NF providers

Earlier this month, an ACTION article focused on the independent informal dispute resolution (IIDR) process available for nursing facilities. This week, we will focus on the informal dispute resolution (IDR) process, also available to nursing facilities.

The IDR process is outlined in Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) Information Bulletin 04-06, issued in May 2004, and last updated in October 2022. The IDR process permits the facility to challenge a deficiency with MDH staff who were not part of the facility’s survey, resurvey, or investigation. MDH can then make one of the following determinations:
  1. Supported in full. The citation is supported in full, with no deletion of findings and no change in the scope or severity assigned to the deficiency citation. 
  2. Supported by substance. The citation is supported, but one or more findings are deleted without any change in the scope or severity assigned to the deficiency. 
  3. Deficient practice cited under wrong requirement of participation. The citation is amended by moving it to the correct requirement of participation. 
  4. Scope or Severity, IF the deficiency was cited as substandard quality of care. 
  5. Not deficient practice. The citation is deleted because the findings did support the citation, or the negative resident outcome was unavoidable.

Representatives from MDH have provided Care Providers of Minnesota the following outcomes of IDRs conducted in 2022:
  • IDRs requested in 2022: 38 (36 in 2021)
  • IDRs completed 2022: 34
  • Pending IDRs: 10

  • Deficiency Rescinded/ Removed: 21
  • Deficiency Fully Supported: 15
  • Deficiency supported in substance: 4
  • Tags modified (changed Tag #): 1
  • Requests withdrawn or changed to IIDR: 4
The data suggests that providers who receive deficiencies they feel are unwarranted, and not supported by facts, have a pretty good chance of modifying or removing such deficiencies using the IDR process.  

Doug Beardsley
Doug Beardsley  |  Vice President of Member Services  |  |  952-851-2489