Emergency relocation notice template now available

By Doug Beardsley  |  February 3, 2023  |  Assisted living providers

Earlier this month, an ACTION article (assisted living survey tip) focused on the notice assisted living facilities are required to provide whenever a resident is transferred to the hospital or emergency department (emergency relocation notice). This notice is required under Minnesota statute 144G.52 Subd.9. The notice is also required to be provided to the Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care if the resident does not return to the assisted living facility within four days.

Several providers contacted Care Providers of Minnesota asking if we had a template for the notice (which we did not). As a result of these requests, we looked at templates we could find, and modified/improved them to meet the requirements in the statute. We also included additional details to make the notice serve a better function.

The template is available free to Care Providers of Minnesota members. Download the template and use it if desired.  

Doug Beardsley
Doug Beardsley  |  Vice President of Member Services  |   dbeardsl@careproviders.org  |  952-851-2489