LTC Risk Mitigation Series—Discharge planning
LTC Risk Mitigation Series—Discharge planning
Product Code: 2505W

Nursing Home and Assisted Living discharge/termination planning is complex and wrought with risk for the provider. In this session Jane Danner, Directory of Regulatory Services, MA, LALD, LSW and Attorney Robert Rodè will discuss the legal and regulatory landscape of discharges/terminations and share practical tips for successful planning and execution while supporting the resident for continued success.
Speaker imageRobert F. Rodè, Esq
Attorney/Partner, Rodè & Coffin, LLC
Robert Rodè is the president of the law firm Rodè & Coffin, LLC and practices in the areas of health law, civil litigation, employment law, and administrative law. Rob has a special emphasis on care providers including nursing facilities, assisted living, home health, rehab, adult day, hospice, housing, and licensed professionals in all settings. Rob represents and advises clients on issues including regulatory/legal compliance, surveys/appeals, complaint investigations, behaviors, discharges/evictions, contracts, dispute resolution, employment, CHOW and start-ups, licensing, ethics, and accounts receivable. Rob is a frequent speaker, arbitrator, adjunct professor, active with various state and national provider and legal associations, has been designated a "super lawyer" and named as one of the "50 for the next 50" innovative leaders in older adult services.

Speaker imageJane Danner, MA, LALD, LSW
Director of Regulatory Services, Care Providers of Minnesota
Jane has an MA in health and human services, is an LALD, a licensed social worker, and has over 35 years of experience in healthcare serving older adults. Jane presently works at Care Providers of Minnesota as the director of regulatory services providing support to the skilled nursing facilities. Her work history includes executive operations manager at MDH–Health Regulation Division overseeing state and federal licensing. Prior to MDH, her provider experience included corporate consultant for VOA National Services, director/consultant at Pathway Health Services, social service manager for Regions Medical Campus and Senior Living. Jane has served in various social service, marketing, and admissions director positions in skilled nursing facilities.

Original Air Date: 01/29/2025
Length: 60 minutes
Category: All Audiences
Category: Clinical/Regulatory
CEs: CEs are not offered for free, archived online education
Discounted member price: 50.00
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