A logo is an important part of an organization’s identity. In order to maintain and protect that identity, it is vital that standards and guidelines are followed in all cases where that logo is being used.
Care Providers of Minnesota and its Affiliates' (Care Providers of Minnesota
CARE-PAC, Care Providers of Minnesota
Foundation, and Care Providers of Minnesota
Service Corporation) logos are available in multiple formats (one and two color, .eps, .PNG & .jpg). Logos are provided to a member, design firm, or other individual for use in a publication. Anytime a logo is provided to a member, design firm, or other individual, Care Providers of Minnesota’s logo
usage manual must accompany the graphic.
Request a Logo
To request a Care Providers of Minnesota logo, or if you have questions on logo placement or use, please contact
Provided that the user complies with all of the terms and conditions of the logo, the Association and its Affiliates consent to the following specific uses:
- Members of Care Providers of Minnesota are authorized to use the Association’s logo to exhibit their affiliation with the Association.
- Care Providers of Minnesota Service Corporation vendors are authorized to use the Service Corporation’s logo when promoting their product and/or service to the Association’s membership, and as provided in a contract between the vendor and the Service Corporation
All those who are authorized to use any of the logos must adhere to the standards set forth in the logo use manual and disallow any applications which do not meet these standards. No person or entity may use any of the logos in a way that, in the sole discretion of the Association or an Affiliate, negatively impacts the Association or Affiliate, is false or misleading, or violates any local, state or federal law or regulation. Without the express written consent of the Association or the applicable Affiliate, no person or entity may use any of the logos to state or suggest, directly or indirectly, that the Association or Affiliate endorses, sponsors or certifies the person or entity or any product or service that the person or entity offers or sells.
Download the Care Providers of Minnesota’s logo usage manual.

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