Save the date for Day at the Capitol!
By Charlie Peterson | January 17, 2025 | All members
Last year, over one hundred members made the trip into St. Paul for our Care Providers of Minnesota annual Day at the Capitol. This was an impressive display of the reach and scope of long-term care providers in Minnesota. Thank you to everyone who joined and took the time to come connect with the legislators who represent you or your place of work. This type of advocacy work—connecting with your legislators—is incredibly impactful. Ensuring that legislators know how much of an impact legislation regarding nursing facilities or assisted living settings has on their communities is imperative, and hearing from members of their own communities is the best way to ensure that they understand, remember, and prioritize us.
This year, save the date for our 2025 Day at the Capitol on March 19
th. Being a budget year, this year is an important year for advocacy. Furthermore, with a tightly divided legislature, individual connections with just one legislator can be what makes the difference between legislation passing or not. Keep an eye out on our social media and the
Day at the Capitol page on our website for Day at the Capitol registration opening up in February.
Charlie Peterson | Government Affairs/Grassroots Specialist | | 952-215-3773