MDH addressing nursing facility case mix classification issues

By Todd Bergstrom  |  November 22, 2023  |  SNF/NF providers

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has reported that the nursing facility case mix classification software has experienced widespread issues with calculating case mix classifications. There are several issues:
  • CMS was having issues with their software—It is MDH’s understanding that these issues were resolved on Wednesday November 15, 2023
  • MDH had issues with their processing software—MDH has updated their software, and everything seems to be functioning correctly; MDH will begin processing and reprocessing assessments on Friday November 17, 2023; new classification notices will be sent as the assessments are processed; it will take some time to get through the backlog of assessments
  • Finally, MDH is seeing discrepancies between what is coded on the OBRA assessments and the OSA; this often results in classification discrepancies; when MDH see this issue, they are calling the facilities to provide education and direction

Please contact Todd Bergstrom at the Association office if you have any questions. 

Todd Bergstrom
Todd Bergstrom  |  Director of Research and Data Analysis  |  |  952-851-2486