MAPS annual safety conference set for November 30, 2023

By Patti Cullen, CAE  |  November 22, 2023  |  All members

The Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety (MAPS) team is planning a special day for you and your teams to connect, learn, and reimagine how to approach safety in new ways. We encourage you to invite your frontline colleagues and maybe even a patient partner to join you, knowing that safety is everyone’s responsibility. The event, “Caring safely—it’s a team sport,” will be held in-person on November 30, 2023, at Midland Hills Country Club in Roseville, MN.

MAPS is honored to announce that Kedar Mate, president and CEO of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, will be opening the 2023 conference with initial remarks. You can listen to Kedar and Don Berwick in “Turn on the Lights,” a thought-provoking podcast series of candid conversations about how the US healthcare system is working and not working. 

You don’t want to miss the MAPS conference this year! You can get more information about the events, agenda, and speakers here.

MAPS was created 23 years ago with the foundational premise that safety should be collaborative and never a place where competition occurred. Minnesota has led the nation by being the first state to track adverse events and advocating for patients and families as partners within the healthcare system. Today, MAPS is accelerating efforts to engage our community and convene our leaders to improve healthcare safety in our state and beyond. MAPS has many opportunities for you to partner with MAPS as they work towards the mission of SAFE CARE EVERYWHERE.  

Patti Cullen, CAE
Patti Cullen, CAE  |  President/CEO  |  |  952-851-2487