MDH needs your feedback on interest level of grant dollars for medical evaluations for fit-testing staff for N95 usage

By Michaun Shetler  |  November 22, 2023  |  All providers

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has been highly encouraging long-term care facilities to have respiratory protection programs in place, including a plan for fit-testing staff for N95 usage. MDH has heard from facilities that one common barrier to getting staff fit-tested is the medical evaluation that must be completed by each staff member prior to testing. 

If the facility has access to a physician, APRN, or PAC these medical evaluations can be done in-house. If the facility does not have a staff member with these credentials, then the facility must pay for an outside company to complete them. Many facilities have said these evaluations are cost prohibitive. 
In response to this need, MDH is exploring using grant dollars to offer free or low-cost medical evaluations to long-term care facilities who need them. Before they can start exploring vendors, they need to get an estimate of how many facilities would be interested in this service and how many staff would need an evaluation. 

If this is a service your facility would take advantage of, please fill out the short RedCap survey. The survey is not registering for this service. Rather, it is information gathering so MDH can gauge interest and have an estimate of need. 

Michaun Shetler
Michaun Shetler  |  Director of Assisted Living  |  |  952-851-2484