MDH expands SNSA surveys

By Patti Cullen, CAE  |  February 3, 2023  |  All members

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)—at our request—sent out a reminder to all supplemental nursing service agencies about their compliance obligations, and the agency plans to expand their compliance surveys. Below is the message sent out last week to SNSAs: 

As the public health emergency improves, MDH is expanding surveys of Supplemental Nursing Service Agencies (SNSAs). SNSAs should prepare for surveys by reviewing the SNSAs statutes and maximum charge restrictions to verify compliance.

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) continues to receive complaints regarding Supplemental Nursing Service Agencies including:
  • Competency and training: Providing staff to health care settings without required training or competency testing. See MN Statute 144A.72 subdivision 1 for Minimum Criteria;
    • The supplemental nursing services agency shall document that each temporary employee provided to health care facilities currently meets the minimum licensing, training, and continuing education standards for the position in which the employee will be working.
    • The supplemental nursing services agency shall comply with all pertinent requirements relating to the health and other qualifications of personnel employed in health care facilities.
    • Per MN Statute 144A.72 Subd 2: Failure to comply with this section shall subject the supplemental nursing services agency to revocation or nonrenewal of its registration.
  • Vaccinations: SNSAs must ensure staff they send to federally certified facilities are appropriately vaccinated.
  • Charges: The SNSA is responsible to ensure maximum SNSA charges are not exceeded and must follow other restrictions established by law.
    • Violations of section MN Statute 144A.74 are subject to a fine equal to 200 percent of the amount billed or received in excess of the maximum permitted under that section. 
  • Employment arrangements:
    • Per MN Statute 144A.72 a. 3, the supplemental nursing services agency must not restrict in any manner the employment opportunities of its employees.
    • Per MN Statute 144A.72 a. 8, the supplemental nursing services agency must not, in any contract with any employee or health care facility, require the payment of liquidated damages, employment fees, or other compensation should the employee be hired as a permanent employee of a health care facility.
Your agency should review the SNSA statutes and maximum charge restrictions to verify compliance. Here are some helpful links:

Patti Cullen, CAE
Patti Cullen, CAE  |  President/CEO  |  |  952-851-2487