Get a peek into the HRD Collaborative Safety Review & Mapping from provider perspective & industry partners
By Michaun Shetler | January 27, 2023 | Assisted living providers
Join your fellow providers and industry partners at noon on Tuesday, January 31 to get a peek into the collaborative safety review and mapping process during the Learning through Reflection webinar.
During the hour, you will hear from providers who participated in a collaborative safety review and mapping. You will also hear the perspectives of industry partners, such as Care Providers of Minnesota, the Board of Executives for Long-Term Services & Supports (BELTSS), and Collaborative Safety, Inc. HRD leadership will provide information and your answer questions.
I have participated in two of the collaborative safety review and mapping sessions and appreciate this new approach. I will be sharing my personal experiences as a panel guest. I hope you consider attending this session to learn more and consider participating in future collaborative safety review and mapping sessions. This process helps get beyond focusing on people and outcomes and better understand why a decision was made and can really help impact future decisions and help avoid unintended consequences. I urge you to take the time to learn about this new approach and continue to lead the way to excellence.
Register today to learn how we can learn collaboratively through reflection and listen to providers and partners who have attended a mapping and review. Take the first step to learn more about collaborative safety.
Collaborative Safety benefits include the following:
- Understand why a decision was made given the circumstances, the influences, and systemic structures at the time of the incident
- Move beyond focusing on people and outcomes and learn why people with good intent were faced with unintended consequences
- Understand how systems fail and move to an understanding of how various parts of a system worked together to influence undesirable outcomes
- Reduce unconscious bias in the review process
- Improve the quality of life and outcomes
- Develop a robust and proactive response to critical incidents dedicated to accountability, learning and improvement of Minnesota’s systems, rather than assessing blame
- Develop recommendations for systemic changes
For more information, contact:
Michaun Shetler | Director of Assisted Living | | 952-851-2484