
Care Providers of Minnesota's Assisted Living Summit is Minnesota's premier event for assisted living providers—specially designed to help you succeed.

Dates and times
TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 2025  |  8:00 AM–4:00 PM (7:00 AM check-in)
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2025  |  8:00 AM–3:30 PM (7:30 AM check-in)
Cost icon
  • $395 per Care Providers of Minnesota member participant
  • $550 per prospective member participant
(includes digital summit materials, CEUs, continental breakfasts, lunches, and refreshments)
CEU icon
CEs: 11.75 clock/contact hours
Code icon
CODE: MN25-92500


Summit app showing on phone

We've got an app for that!
The Assisted Living Summit app provides the schedule, session locations, handouts, speakers bios, sponsor & exhibitor connections, and much more. Download the app: my.yapp.us/CPMSUMMIT25

Care Providers of Minnesota (CPM) is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all program participants, presenters, and CPM staff. The code of conduct applies to all CPM meeting-related events, including those sponsored by organizations other than CPM but held in conjunction with CPM events, on public or private platforms.

All participants, including, but not limited to, attendees, speakers, CPM staff members, and all others are expected to abide by this code of conduct, which may be found here: careproviders.org/conduct.

We understand that circumstances arise that may prevent you from attending the summit after you have registered. If you cancel on or before Friday, April 4, 2024, we will gladly refund your registration fee and retain only $25 per attendee for a cancellation fee. We are unable to offer any refund after Friday, April 4, 2024, for canceled registrations. We encourage you to find someone to take your place if possible. No-shows are charged the full registration fee and receive the summit materials.

Marriot image
Book your stay!
Care Providers of Minnesota has a room block at the Minneapolis Marriott Northwest, 7025 Northland Drive North, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, 55428, for $154 plus applicable state and local taxes, per room, per night. Please reserve your accommodations early and mention Care Providers of Minnesota to receive this rate. Call Minneapolis Marriott Northwest at 763-536-8300 or 1-877-303-1681—make sure to mention the group name: Care Providers. Hotel room reservations can also be booked online here.

Please make every effort to stay at the Marriott hotel; we rely on meeting our room block commitments to keep the Summit costs as low as possible.

The cut-off date for the room block is March 24, 2025.

If you have a condition that requires special accommodations, please contact Care Providers of Minnesota by Friday, April 4, 2025. If you want a vegetarian meal or have other dietary restrictions (including gluten-free and food allergies), please contact Care Providers of Minnesota by Friday, April 4, 2025.

All education materials will be available on the summit app. In addition, the summit handouts will be available online the week of April 7, 2025, if you want to preview/download them before the summit. 

Care Providers of Minnesota may take photographs and videos during its events for use in promotional materials. By participating in this education event, you grant Care Providers of Minnesota the right to use your image for such purposes.


Contact us for questions about registration or educational content for summit. We're here to help! Our toll-free number is 1-800-462-0024.

Shauna Kapsner
Shauna Kapsner
Director of Education & Events

Aby Tesfaye
Education Support Specialist