A Love Story—Healing Through Movement, Breath & Music


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The third in the webinar series continues to expand the foundation of self-care using the key recovery concepts of hope, personal responsibility, education, self- advocacy and support.

Life can change in less than a minute. With losses brought on from COVID-19, healthcare workers are experiencing uncertainty. There have been large scale changes in personal routines, work settings, and community life. This hour is for you; a love story to yourself. It is a time to identify, experience self-care strategies, and plan for intentional self-care. Such an investment can build capacities to be resilient, adjust, and make transitions with which to survive and thrive.

Learning objectives
  • Identify and experience how movement, breath, and music can help you wherever you are
  • Allow your body and mind to physically connect through practicing balance, grace and flexibility
  • Recognize your own power to activate self-care and carry out self-care strategies in your workplace

speaker imageRosy Kirk, RN
Oula Fusion National Coordinator / Fitness Training Instructor
Rosy Kirk, RN, has worked in skilled nursing & hospital settings since 1978. Now, Rosy is pursuing new paths as the Oula- Fusion National Coordinator & Fitness Instructor Trainer while leading weekly on-line classes. 

Original Air Date: 02/18/2021
Length: 58 minutes
Category: All Audiences
Category: Free for Members
Category: Human Resources
CEUs: CEUs are not offered for free, archived online education